Meet Westley, the Spokescat!

Whoa-- you guys have a spokescat?!
Who is this furry little fellow?

Who's the winking cat on our shirts?

Westley has been our spokescat since 2021. During COVID, GIV transitioned into online summer programs. Westley kept jumping in front of the camera during video calls, and soon became a source of joy for our staff and students. He was already showing up to work every day, so we decided to get him a bowtie and make it official.

Since then, he has been a symbol reminding us to take our work seriously but ourselves lightly. That’s what learning is all about!

When you see Westley on a sticker, t-shirt, or our IG highlight, it’s a sign that GIV cheer has made it’s way into your world!

Look out for Westley in the wild– you’ll be surprised to find GIV friends near and far when you look out for a bowtie-rocking feline named Westley.

And if you’d like to share your own GIV love, check out our Merch Store with lots of Westley items and more.

Have you seen a Westley in the wild? Tell us your GIV story today!

Share A Story, Memory, or Westley Sighting!