Submit your application for the Governor's Institutes of Vermont!

This summer, join the learning adventure of a lifetime!
Apply online before applications close on 3/31/2025.

Summer Applications

2025 Applications Are Open!

GIV’s summer 2025 Institutes will offer the learning adventure of a lifetime! The application process is easy and straightforward. Here’s what you’ll be asked to do once you click that apply button:

1️⃣  Create a SurveyMonkey account, or use the account you made from past applications.

2️⃣ Fill out some basic contact information and select the Institute(s) you’re applying for.

3️⃣ Answer a few questions that will help GIV get to know you.

4️⃣ Ask two teachers/adults for recommendations. When they agree, all you have to do is enter their email addresses and let them know you’ve requested the recommendation online. (GIV will take care of the rest!)

5️⃣ Pay a $25 application fee* and hit submit!

 *If the $25 application fee is a financial hardship for your family, GIV will waive the fee.


The deadline is March 31st, 2025. Once applications have closed, we’ll reach out to you via email within a couple of weeks to let you know your admission status.

The cost of the summer Institutes can be determined once you’ve been accepted to a program and uses a sliding scale tuition model, which supports you entirely based on what your family can afford. For more info, you can check out our summer tuition page!

Need help with our online application?

Watch this step-by-step video tutorial to see how our application works and answer any questions that might arise.

Open on YouTube to view with captions and jump to sections of the video covering pages of the application process.

If you need any help in the process, email us at [email protected] or call us at (802) 865-4448.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Institute dates and locations?

Each Institute takes place at a different time during the summer, and on different campuses. Visit each Institute Page on our site for more info about each Institute including, the specific dates!

How much do the summer Institutes cost?

Tuition uses a sliding scale model, which means you only pay what your family can afford. Check out the Summer Tuition Page for more details!

Who can attend?

Students currently in 9th, 10th, and 11th grade who go to school in Vermont, or at a school that has an arrangement with VT school districts. We’re also willing to consider out-of-state students on a case by case basis.

Do my grades matter for attending GIV?

In most cases, no! We don't look at grades/transcripts when considering applicants. The only exception is our Math Institute, where the application asks which classes you have taken to prepare our curriculum.

How do I apply?

Applying is easy! Just hit one of the many “apply” buttons on our website, create a SurveyMonkey account, and fill out the application. It will ask you to enter your contact info and some additional details about your interests, then prompt you to request recommendations from two adults. Don’t forget to hit submit!

What is the application like?

Our application is easy and is online, so you can apply with any internet device. Here are the main steps...
1️⃣  Create a SurveyMonkey account, or use the account you made from past applications.
2️⃣ Fill out some basic contact information and select the Institute(s) you’re applying for.
3️⃣ Answer a few questions that will help GIV get to know you.
4️⃣ Ask two teachers/adults for recommendations. When they agree, all you have to do is enter their email addresses and let them know you’ve requested the recommendation online. (GIV will take care of the rest!)
5️⃣ Pay a $25 application fee* and hit submit!
 *If the $25 application fee is a financial hardship for your family, GIV will waive the fee.

Is there a deadline for applications?

Yes- see our Apply page for this year's application dates. We cannot accept late applications, so make sure you submit on time!

When are Summer Tuition fees charged?

Summer Tuition is only requested once a student has applied and been accepted into an Institute. Following application submissions, we will reach out to accepted students and their families to collect information and make a final determination on Summer Tuition based on your family's income and situation. Our sliding scale tuition is automatically applied for all applicants based on the information provided-- no additional paperwork or forms are necessary. Beyond the sliding scale tuition, we are always willing to work with families to make sure they can take part in GIV and get the support they need!

When will I know if I’m accepted?

We’ll begin reaching out to students to let them know their application status in mid April, around two weeks after our application deadline.

What illness policies will be in place?

We aim to provide a safe and healthy environment for our in-person Institutes. While people can never be completely shielded from all risk of exposure or illness caused by COVID-19 or other infections, even if vaccinated, GIV expects students, families, guests, and staff to do their part to contribute to a safe and healthy community.

We require that staff and students:
- Arrive healthy. We recommend testing for COVID-19 in the 24 hours leading up to arrival at the Institute. If they are experiencing symptoms of serious transmissible illness* within 24 hours of the first day, they should stay home.
-Be evaluated if presenting symptoms of serious transmissible illness, and follow recommendations such as taking measures to limit contagion.
-Be sent home from the program if testing positive for COVID-19 or any other highly contagious disease. This decision rests with the Program Director, who may consult with a healthcare provider.

*Symptoms of serious transmissible illness:
- Fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher
- Persistent cough
- Severe sore throat
- Vomiting/diarrhea
- Difficulty breathing (not asthma-related)
- Too sick to participate in activities after 24 hours
Additional precautions may be required based on the program.

GIV’s policies and procedures are based on the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Camp Association (ACA). They are subject to applicable federal, state, and local regulations, and may be updated according to public health conditions and at the discretion of GIV. We reserve the right to add safety measures as necessary, such as testing, masking, quarantining, and other hygiene-related best practices.
Policies are subject to change in accordance with CDC and/or host college guidance.

How will I get to the Institute?

If you aren’t able to drive or be driven to your Institute, reach out to us directly at [email protected]. We’ll coordinate travel arrangements to get you there!

Can I attend multiple Institutes in one summer?

Possibly! If the dates allow, we can explore this option. However, many of our Institutes overlap; if your Institute dates overlap, we ask students to choose one or the other.

Our application allows students to choose multiple Institutes of interest.

Can I return to an Institute that I attended in a previous year?

We want to make sure that all of our Institutes have space for new incoming students, so we generally ask that students returning to GIV multiple years try a new Institute! Part of the GIV experience is trying new things, so we highly encourage returning students to explore a new Institute to expand into new areas of knowledge.

The only notable exceptions are Mathematical Sciences and Technology & Design which both welcome returning students due to the many class offerings and pathway opportunities offered each year.

What will my living situation be?

While at GIV, you’ll live in a dorm on your Institute’s host college campus. Most students will have a roommate or roommates. Living on campus is a big part of the GIV experience and is how some of the closest friendships are made!

When will I know my Institute’s schedule?

The dates for each program are listed on the Institute pages here on our website. Otherwise, the Program Director for your Institute will reach out to you via email to share your Institute schedule in advance of the program. If you have questions before then, feel free to email us at [email protected] and we’ll do our best to answer them!

Can I earn high school credit by attending GIV?

Yes! Please reach out to your high school guidance counselor to make a plan to get credit for your participation through the Flexible Pathways Program or through your school's curriculum.
More information can be found in our Academic Guide here.

Can I earn college credit by attending GIV?

Yes! Some of our Institutes including Entrepreneurship, Mathematical Sciences, Technology & Design, and Weather & Climate Science can be taken for embedded college credit.

Every rising junior and senior who completes the Institute is eligible for these credits. Some minor additional assignments may be required beyond the Institute activities. The experience of being at the Institute is the same whether a student chooses to pursue this credit or not.

Please note that colleges charge extra tuition fees on top of GIV tuition for granting credits, but several payment options and opportunities are available to support students and families.

More information can be found in our Academic Guide here.

Can I compare and see more details about the academics and credits at GIV Institutes?

For sure! More information can be found in our Academic Guide here.

Is GIV fun?

Dude... like, yes. You have no idea. Seriously.

Find Your Community And Get Inspired At GIV!

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