Once a Student, Now the Executive Director

GIV is excited to announce that this month we welcome Elizabeth Frascoia as our new Executive Director! This is the first time that an alumnus of the Institutes has taken this leadership role, and she is only the fifth Executive Director in GIV’s thirty-eight years.

Elizabeth participated as a student in the Arts and Math Institutes during high school, and later spent many summers on staff. Most recently, she led the Governor’s Institute on the Arts for nine years. She brings a passion for building community and leading complex teams, which she did for several technology startups in New York City after earning a degree from Harvard University.

Elizabeth also brings some unusual qualifications. As a professional trombonist and vocalist, she has performed with artists such as Adele, Michael Bolton, and Ice Cube, and appeared on national TV shows such as Saturday Night Live, American Idol, and The Tonight Show.

“I know GIV changes lives: receiving a scholarship to the Arts Institute allowed me to expand my horizons, and gave me the confidence to embark on a music career which has taken me from a small town to performing all over the world. I am excited to help more Vermont high school students be able to access these world-class programs!”

Board Chair Jane Campbell notes that the board’s selection was “the culmination of a nationwide search that brought in an exceptional candidate pool. She stood out for her deep understanding of GIV, unique and diverse skill set, and passion and commitment to bringing the outsized impact of this powerful organization to future generations of young people.”

Elizabeth takes over from Kaomi Taylor Mitchell MPA, GIV’s Executive Director for the last eleven years, during which GIV greatly expanded its offerings and doubled down on its educational equity mission. Kaomi reports: “Elizabeth and I started in leadership positions at GIV at exactly the same time, so she’s been a huge part of guiding and executing GIV’s recent successes and I’ve seen firsthand the intelligence, energy, resourcefulness and deep commitment she brings. I foresee great things to come!”  

Ross Cagenello

Ross Cagenello

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